“What happened to…” Barry’s voice trailed off as he looked down at the sword in his hand.
“I’m not afraid of you anymore,” Kre whispered, almost a little too low for Barry’s ears.
Barry’s head and eyes slowly rose until he was glaring down at the younger man. His lips curled up into a sneer as he hissed, “You what?”
Kre took a bold step forward and raised his single blade in a mid-guard position. “You need to leave,” he stated calmly, gesturing towards the door with his free hand.
Barry made as if to attack, but he couldn’t seem to raise his blade, his arm shuddering as he strained in the attempt. His head snapped down as he turned his glare to the great sword hanging limply from his hand, his brow furrowing as his lips moved silently against gritted teeth.
‘Cormordean is not happy with him,’ Tralagar whispered. The whispering felt like a spot of cold water sliding down his spine. ‘She is insisting that he leave. She does not like feeling powerless.’
‘How do you know this?’ he asked of his mental hitchhiker.
‘She is very loud,’ the voice responded simply. ‘I am more surprised that you cannot hear her.’
Kre took a chance and gestured down at Barry’s sword. “She’s not happy with you.” He took another step forward and watched as Barry retreated two steps, seemingly being pulled along by his sword arm.
“You little…” the large man snarled, pure hate evident in his eyes. “What did you do?”
“I just,” Kre smiled, “stopped being afraid. A friend taught me how some time ago.” He gestured towards the door again, “You really should just go.”
“Or what?”
Kre shrugged, using the motion to stretch out his shoulders and back. “Nothing so threatening. It’s just that if you don’t leave, we’ll be forced to continue this fight to the bitter end.”
“You only have one sword now,” Barry pointed out. “Half a sword, really.”
“It’s not the size of the blade that matters,” Kre said, suppressing the childish giggle he felt welling up. “Besides, your sword doesn’t even want to fight anymore.”
Again, Barry tried to lift his blade as if to attack, but the great sword would not be moved. His eyes darted furtively towards the other sword lying on the floor about four feet away.
“I get it now,” the big man said, a slow, wicked smile playing across his face. “I see how it is. Those swords of yours are like mine. Smaller, but similarly possessed. That’s how you’re doing this. Your swords are ensorcelled too!” Barry’s eyes again darted to the sword on the floor and Kre noticed the man’s legs tense up just slightly, as if he were about to move quickly. The idea that he needed to press his advantage, however slight it might be, popped into this mind and it seemed that his sword shared the same thought. In a single fluid motion, probably the only one he had performed that entire evening, he lunged forward as Barry sprag towards a weapon that he might be able to use.