Having grown up near the edge of Tehynish civilization, Kre sometimes finds himself struggling to catch up to the realities of the world around him. Luckily for him, he meets some of the best companions he'll ever know to help him navigate through life...
“Guilty with a punishment of forty years of labor service in the City of Sandort,” called out a weaselly-nosed man with a partial sneer. “That’s very generous given that it is the minimum sentence we can impose for two counts of murder.”
The room erupted with hisses and boos, which only seemed to make the man’s sneer grow darker and his brow turn increasingly furrowed…
It seems every fantasy writer has a cat and/or a Siberian Husky (or other snarky trickster of a pet). I think it just means that we’re all gluttons for punishment.
I’m a long time tabletop gamer (since AD&D 1e) and I’ve always had stories in my head that I’ve tried time and again to get onto paper. This site is my way of forcing my own accountability for my writing and to provide other aspiring authors with an outlet for their own creativity.